How to Cancel Your Forex VPS Subscription

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1. Go to and login to your client area

how to cancel your subscription forexvps, home

2. Type in your Email address, password and the captcha then Login

how to cancel your subscription forexvps, login

3. Click on the VPS tab

how to cancel your subscription forexvps, portal, welcome

4. Select which VPS you want to access (If there are multiple VPS) and click on the gear icon

how to cancel your subscription forexvps, portal, server

TIP: For multiple plans, you can check the corresponding IP address to know if that is the VPS that you want to cancel

5. Click on Request Cancellation

how to cancel your subscription forexvps, portal, server options

6. Choose the reason for cancellation

how to cancel your subscription forexvps, portal, reason for cancellation

7. Choose the Cancellation Timing

how to cancel your subscription forexvps, end of billing period

Immediate – Cancelling and terminating your VPS within 24 hours
End of Billing Period – Cancelling the VPS on the due date

8. Click Continue

how to cancel your subscription forexvps, cancellation accept 1

9. Click Continue again

how to cancel your subscription forexvps, cancellation accept 2

10. And lastly, click on “I want to cancel my server”

how to cancel your subscription forexvps, cancellation accept 3

11. Congratulations! You have successfully cancelled your VPS

how to cancel your subscription forexvps, portal cancellation request, accepted

Tip! You will receive an email confirmation for your cancellation via email.
In the event that you want to remove your cancellation request, contact our live chat support on to get assistance on that.

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